Mawson Lakes Undergrad Rep Final Report 2022

Hi all,

I’d like to start by saying that 2022 was a wonderful year, I was so please to meet so many of you and am excited to do the same in 2023!

before I pass the baton onto the next undergraduate representative I will give one last update!

December was A pretty big month for me even without classes going on, I chaired the last finance committee for the year, attended the last Board meeting for the year and attended the National Union of Students national conference.

the last two board related meetings went as expected, mainly signing off for the year and saying goodbye to my fellow board members who were not going to continue into the new year.

The NUS National Conference was a week long conference where I attended with USASA president Isaac Solomon on behalf of USASA. This conference was quite informative, I was able to meet with like minded student leaders from across the country where important issues facing students where discussed. This conference is done annually to show what direction the NUS will take for the following year. Elections for office bearing positions within the NUS are also held at this conference. It was a good opportunity to speak to student leaders from other states who’s students face similar and different issues to our own and workshop ideas around ways to support students. overall it was an interesting week, and I hope to be able to implement some of the ideas I gained in my new role in 2023!

Sam Bhattacharjee signing off as Undergraduate Representative, I will see 2023 students again as Sam Bhattacharjee – Mawson Lakes Student Representative.


Hi all!!

this report marks the end of the year!

I am pleased to share that I will be continuing on at USASA in 2023 as Mawson Lakes Student Representative!

November was a cruisy month with the biggest event being SP5 Exams, hope you all did well as it was the end of a busy year for most and all victories were well won!

once again, if you have any questions, comments and concerns please feel free to email me at

Mawson Lakes Undergraduate Student Rep Report October 2022

Hi All!

Hope everyone has been well, Since my last update not much has happened, unfortunately I can’t go to conventions every week and give presentations, this month I stayed in Adelaide and decided to focus on studies!

The most note worthy event this month was Club Awards Night! It was an amazing night where USASA is able to showcase the best of student social engagement, I was lucky enough to meet the winners, have some nice food and dance with club executives, the club scene is truly amazing and I cannot wait to see what 2023 has to offer!

SP5 is coming to a close and exams are rearing their heads once again, good luck to all, I know I will definitely need it!

as always, feel free to reach out if you have any concerns/questions/comments at:

Sam Bhattacharjee- MLK Undergrad Rep Report Sept 2022

Hi all!

I hope everyone had a great month! this was a pretty exciting one as we saw the return of the Royal Adelaide Show! Hopefully you managed to get out too see it with friends/family. I myself was there and had lots of fun!

other than that we finally came to the middle of SP5! hope everyone got some of that much needed rest so we can power through to the end of the semester.

Now, onto the fun part, as mentioned in previous report I was given the amazing opportunity to represent UniSA and USASA at the National Union of Students Ethnocultural Student Conference. Myself, the Mawson Lakes Rep Gagan, USASA President Isaac Solomon and another UniSA student were sent to deliver presentations on issues regarding International and CALD student issues, we also listened to other students and their issues as well as networked with like minded students from all across Australia!

we arrived a day before the conference and met with some students from Melbourne, Sydney and even Wollongong! We spent some time getting settled into accommodation and then socialised, preparing ourselves for the next three days of presentations. The three days were sectioned into similar schedules, we began with welcome to countries, from first nations community representatives, then a plenary, we were then given the option of two different presentations, another plenary, more presentations and then the day was finished, in between all these were given time to eat and socialise.

After the first plenary of the first day Gagan and a fellow UniSA student delivered a presentation about breaking barriers in STEM as women of colour, an extremely interesting presentation that ended with an interactive session of brainstorming and understanding.

for the sake of the word count I wont go into complete detail about all presentations and plenaries but to summarise there were presentations on combating anti-Semitism, issues surrounding Hong Kong and Taiwan, issues surrounding racism towards First nations people and people of African descent and Issues surrounding allyship towards People of colour. These presentations were extremely well done and what’s more, they gave us a platform to have meaningful conversations and give us ideas of how we could implement them here at UniSA.

Obviously In my opinion Isaac and I gave the best presentation, based on how we can overcome discrimination within academic integrity, our presentation spoke about how we need to educate and empower students over penalise and demonise. I was proud to be able to represent UniSA and USASA speaking about issues that had been raised to me by my fellow students. We concluded that universities owe students consistency and transparency so that they have the tools and knowledge to succeed, overall this was an amazing experience.

But will all good things some bad must occur, on the flight home I contracted Covid 😦 . I spent the next week recovering and am now back on my feet! please all stay safe, wear masks when necessary, sanitise/was hands accordingly and if you’re feeling sick, stay home an rest up!

as always, if you have and questions comments or concerns or you want my infamous Butter Chicken recipe, email me at

Mawson Lakes Undergrad Rep – Sam Bhattacharjee Report – August

Hi all,

once again it is time for my update!

First off we had Clubs Fest which was a great time for me to meet some new faces as well as interact with the amazing club scene we have here at Uni SA! this was held on City West, City East, Magill and Mawson Lakes. While I couldn’t make City east or Magill, it was great to see so many faces on Mawson and City West.

As per usual we had our monthly board meeting which ran as smooth as usual and I can now confirm some exciting news! Myself and a few other USASA board members will be representing Uni SA at the National Union of Students Ethnocultural Conference! we will be delivering/ participating in presentations and workshops design by CALD students from all across Australia to help make Uni life easier for students from a culturally and linguistically diverse background, the conference will be held from the 21st of September to the 23rd of September.

As always, my emails are open,

if you’d like to reach out contact me at –

Mawson Lakes Undergraduate Representative July Report

Hello all!

hope you all had an amazing holiday!

of course July was another holiday month and so it was fairly uneventful,

Aside from the usual Board meetings and committee meetings, I was able too meet a lot of Mawson Lakes students at the open day held on campus on the 21st of July, luckily the weather was great and even better I was able too meet so many new faces!

otherwise I am excited for the remainder of SP5 and hope you are too!!

As always, if you would like to reach out please send me an email,


Sam Bhattacharjee,

Mawson Lakes Undergraduate Rep – Sam Bhattacharjee – June 2022 Report

Hello once again UNISA students, for those who have been tuning in for my last reports know that this June was the Beginning of the holiday season! but even though I’m taking a break from classes, I was still being active as a student rep.

The main event for me from this month was the SASH response training I attended. This session was extremely informative and has definitely opened up more avenues for the reps here at USASA to be able to continue to advocate for students on campus. On top of this, after the training seminar, our monthly board meeting was conducted and in that a SASH working group was formed for reps to begin actively working on issues that our fellow UNISA students face.

Aside from this I was also involved in the monthly governance committee meeting and finance committee meeting, and I have also joined on to spend a day in July reviewing the USASA constitution with my fellow reps.

overall this month has certainly been about rest and relaxation and preparation for the coming SP5, which will start at the tail end of July.

As always if there any questions, comments, concerns or if you just want to reach out, contact me via email!

Sam Bhattacharjee

Mawson Lakes Undergrad May 2022 update

Hello Unisa students,

It is once again that time of the month where you hear about what I’ve been up too!

This month has been a really fun one! aside from the usual meetings, myself and Gagan where able to hold a ‘meet your reps’ morning tea event, we gave out free pancakes and coffee/hot chocolate. With the weather cooling down I’d say that it was a very well timed event, and I was so happy too be able to talk too some of you awesome people! I cannot wait for the next event and am always looking for ways too meet my fellow Unisa students.

aside from this event, May has been a fairly un-eventful month, which I am definitely welcoming. With exams around the corner and the end of the Study period 2 coming soon I am happy to find some time to study and rest, and I implore you to do so if you can!

wishing all of you the best of luck for SP2 exam students!

as always please do not hesitate to reach out to me at

Mawson Lakes Under Grad Rep – Sam Bhattacharjee – April Update

Hello once again!

This April was thankfully a quiet one, thanks too the mid semester break i was able too get some much needed TLC and rest up and re energise

To note we held our monthly board meeting and during the meeting a new reconciliation group was form, of which i am going to be a member of, this group will focus on how USASA can better work towards meaningful reconciliation. I also held another finance committee which was quiet but i suspect that our may meeting will be anything but quiet. to close off meetings I also attended a governance committee meeting.

My fellow Mawson Lakes Rep Gagan and I also met to begin planning our meet the rep event, to be held on may 10th we will be providing delicious pancakes with an assortment of toppings and some hot beverages, we are very exited to be meeting our students and actually showing ourselves in the community!

as usual please feel free to reach out with any questions/ comments/ concerns

Sam Bhattacharjee

March 2022-Mawson Lakes Undergrad Rep

Hello once again UNISA students!

March was one hectic month here at USASA, if you didn’t know we had our campus fair! it was a super fun time where you got too meet some super cool people. Personally I was in attendance at the Mawson lakes fair as well as the Magill fair. Campus fair was the perfect time to do some meet and greet with some of our amazing clubs, giving you the opportunity to join them. on top of that there was a bunch of free food and activities. Overall Campus fair was a super fun time and I can’t wait for the next one!

aside from campus fair, I also attended our monthly USASA board meeting, as always, the board meeting was insightful and it also was great to see my fellow campus reps again. With each board meeting I also have the privilege of chairing the USASA board finance committee, which allows me to talk to many like minded individuals about many different issues. I was also given the opportunity to record a short video to introduce myself to all of you on the USASA Instagram and Facebook! it was fun to record and i hope you enjoy!

I also have something exciting for Mawson Lakes students, Myself and My fellow Mawson Lakes rep have begun planning a meet and greet! keep your eyes peeled for any future updates!

as always, if you want to reach out for any reason, don’t hesitate to contact me via email

Sam bhattacharjee