Mawson Lakes Undergrad Rep Final Report 2022

Hi all,

I’d like to start by saying that 2022 was a wonderful year, I was so please to meet so many of you and am excited to do the same in 2023!

before I pass the baton onto the next undergraduate representative I will give one last update!

December was A pretty big month for me even without classes going on, I chaired the last finance committee for the year, attended the last Board meeting for the year and attended the National Union of Students national conference.

the last two board related meetings went as expected, mainly signing off for the year and saying goodbye to my fellow board members who were not going to continue into the new year.

The NUS National Conference was a week long conference where I attended with USASA president Isaac Solomon on behalf of USASA. This conference was quite informative, I was able to meet with like minded student leaders from across the country where important issues facing students where discussed. This conference is done annually to show what direction the NUS will take for the following year. Elections for office bearing positions within the NUS are also held at this conference. It was a good opportunity to speak to student leaders from other states who’s students face similar and different issues to our own and workshop ideas around ways to support students. overall it was an interesting week, and I hope to be able to implement some of the ideas I gained in my new role in 2023!

Sam Bhattacharjee signing off as Undergraduate Representative, I will see 2023 students again as Sam Bhattacharjee – Mawson Lakes Student Representative.

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