Magill Campus Undergraduate Representative- April 2022 Report- Trisha Banga

Hello once again,

April was a slow month for me with USASA which I am grateful for as it was a stressful and busy month with assessments, despite the break. Last month, the major things covered were the USASA meeting and AGM where we discussed several different issues including the establishment of a reconciliation sub-committee to work towards meaningful change in reconciliation. I also attended the governance meeting which was mostly reviewing policies that were due for a review and discussing if any change to those policies was needed. I also recorded my USASA video last month which was posted across USASA social media to build engagement with students. I received some positive feedback on the video and had some students reach out which was great to see. DEA meeting was cancelled this month due to a lack of agenda items but I am excited to see what May has in store for us.

Please feel free to contact me regarding any questions, concerns, or feedback you may have at

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